Monday, November 09, 2015

Movie Monday: The Martian

Last week on my day off, I ended up downtown Vancouver and in order to not commute home during rush hour I found myself at Scotiabank Movie Theatre on Burrard Street on a rainy day.  It was the perfect time to watch "The Martian".  The perfect time would be the time during the first 20 minutes during the previews and of course this has to happen for movies that are not in the opening this case it has been 6 weeks since opening weekend.  Surprisingly the theatre was almost at capacity but there were a pair of seats by the aisle.  

I didn't know much about the movie except for the title "The Martian" and that Matt Damon played the starring role.  I don't want to discuss the plot because I prefer watching movies when I haven't seen the movie trailer and the less I hear the better.  Then I can become riveted in my seat when the movie starts and when it's a great movie I stay that way not knowing what to expect until the movie ends.  This movie is intriguing, intelligent, and afterwards peaking my curiosity about space travel.  I have learned that I don't have what it takes to be an astronaut.  They have to be brilliant minds to be able to troubleshoot anything that comes their way and the unpredictable nature and dangers.  "The Martian" has already won the Hollywood Film Award for the Best Film of the year!

If you haven't already seen it, it's worth watching on the big screen and its growing popularity has kept it on the big screen.  


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